About Us
To create global citizens via backyard beginnings.
Through experiences that enrich and inspire, SOAR delivers educational and professional science programs that connect culture and curriculum, facilitate equitable educational strategies, develop young-adult wildlife advocates, and cultivate global citizens focused on social and environmental sustainability.
About Us
To create global citizens via backyard beginnings.
Through experiences that enrich and inspire, SOAR delivers educational and professional science programs that connect culture and curriculum, facilitate equitable educational strategies, develop young-adult wildlife advocates, and cultivate global citizens focused on social and environmental sustainability.
From a curious student growing up in the Bronx to a principal of a prison, I've experienced education from diverse perspectives. A common thread throughout has been how the educational experiences of marginalized populations are impacted by budget cuts, lack of staff, unavailable or incomplete access to resources, and - from the student's perspective - little or no connection of curriculum to real life, especially in the sciences.
Like many educators, I found myself creating and providing multi-faceted activities to ensure student motivation and their pursuit of post-secondary education in the sciences. I also knew this endeavor would serve my students best with support - and lots of it! Availability of hands-on activities, reinforcement of accessibility to underrepresented yet vital careers, and engagement in authentic experiences for students have not only served to improve science literacy, but also critical thinking skills across curricular disciplines.
Enter SOAR...with over 100 years of experience in education, the SOAR team knows the challenges facing students and educators, especially those in inner-city districts. SOAR promotes conservation education via science and literacy outreach and offers professional development to schools and the general public. Authentic experiences via immersive programs include fieldwork for students and teachers alike, creating long-term and vested interest in projects.
Our team knows the importance of persistence and collaboration, of community and culture, of diversity and inclusion. We continue to develop global citizens of all ages for an increased representation in the sciences reflecting our ever-evolving society.
Positive Impacts
Wildlife Conservation
Prevent, Understand, Reduce, Report
Free-roaming cats have accounted for significant ecosystem challenges in suburban neighborhoods.
Our PURR campaign emphasizes the importance of safeguarding local wildlife biodiversity by educating cat owners to keep cats indoors.
We continue to work with town Health departments for developing and delivering educational literature as a component of the cat licensing and/or cat adoption process.
The Coyote,
Our Newest Citizen
Navigating a Positive Coexistence
The comeback of coyotes in suburban areas excites ecologists and biologists but not the general public.
We strive to foster the coexistence of the coyote in suburban areas to protect this keystone species and support a diversified ecosystem.
Efforts continue for modifying signage at local and county parks to promote public understanding and respect while minimizing and eliminating biased images of coyotes that promote fear.
Avian Ecology
Assessing Ecological Footprints
Habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation remain constant threats to avian populations in the Amazon.
Our avian studies in collaboration with the Center for Conservation Science and Education in Tambopata, Peru included mist-netting in combination with banding or ringing and point count surveys. ​
All research data contributed to better understanding the evolution and maintenance of biodiversity in the region, and to experience firsthand the effects of human interventions in the Amazon, from deforestation and urbanization to restoration efforts by local groups.
Turtle Rehabilitation and Release
Restoring Wildlife
Turtle populations around the world have been decimated by habitat destruction, overexploitation for food, the commercial pet trade, disease, and climate change.
From local rehabilitation efforts with the Jamaica Bay Diamondback Terrapin Research Project in New York to the community education outreach of the Turtle Island Restoration Network in Hawaii, SOAR is proud to be a part of activities that protect many turtle species.
Volunteering efforts that lead to successful rehabilitation and release of sea turtles have had positive impacts on turtle populations and created indelible memories for our participants.
Professional Development​
Educators have long understood that the home-school-community connection is a dynamic that relies on the place where students spend the majority of their days - the classroom.
The communication of ideas, strategies, and pedagogies that affect positive change from classroom to district is a vital exercise that continues to support diverse social-emotional and educational objectives.
SOAR's student-centered programs continue to empower educators and students.
Serving marginalized populations and ensuring educational opportunities is a key objective for SOAR.
The successful implementation of vocational programming in a correctional facility is highlighted in a feature article for Corrections Today.
The article discusses the significance of education in a correctional facility. Differentiated educational practices in enable inmates to acquire knowledge in vocational programming, which results in a reduction in recidivism and an increased employability potential.
From curious schoolchildren to global citizens, our students benefit from a network of generous patrons like you. Help our programs grow as we provide services that enrich and inspire them from school to career.
We acknowledge our newest supporters. Welcome and thank you!
N.Y., N.Y.
N. Carolina division
NJ division
N.Y., N.Y.